参数 | 类型 | 是否可空 | 参数描述 |
mid | int(4) | No | Merchant ID |
total_fee | int(10) | No | Amount, Unit: Cent |
goods | string(64) | No | Item name, must not contain any special characters |
goods_detail | string(128) | No | Item descripion, must not contain any special characters |
out_trade_no | string(64) | No | Order number, should be unique, recommend using date(YYYYmmddHHiiss) + 18 digit random number |
pay_type | string(8) | No | Pay Type |
version | string(4) | No | 'v1' |
sign | string(32) | No | Signature, please refer to signature explaination section |
tid | int(4) | YES | Terminal ID |
rmb_fee | int(10) | Yes | Amount, Unit: Cent. Only used when pay_type is IE0012 or IE0013. Use this parameter to replace total_fee if partner wish to price their product in RMB. If total_fee is used, rmb_fee should not be set. They are mutual exclusive. |
expired | int(8) | Yes | Expiration time, Unit: second. default: 3600 |
return_url | string(512) | Yes | After the payment is done, the result is returned to this url via the URL redirect. |
notify_url | string(512) | Yes | The URL for receiving asynchronous notifications after the payment is done. |
pay_rate | int(4) | Yes | Default merchant rate if null, range 0 - 30 |
## Create transaction 类似
curl -X "POST" "https://a.mypaynz.com/api/online" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8' \
--data-urlencode "mid=10224" \
--data-urlencode "total_fee=1" \
--data-urlencode "goods=goodname" \
--data-urlencode "goods_detail=goodsdetail" \
--data-urlencode "out_trade_no=202012022020515152520003" \
--data-urlencode "pay_type=IE0012" \
--data-urlencode "version=v1" \
--data-urlencode "sign=66a70986659927076f0e4ad7842c3134"
"is_success": "TRUE",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"extra": {
"mid": "10224",
"pay_type": "IE0012",
"out_trade_no": "202012041142265577006791947779410",
"pay_url": "https://intlmapi.alipay.com/gateway.do?_input_charset=UTF-8¤cy=NZD¬ify_url=https://a.mypaynz.com/api/alipay_push_notify_web&order_gmt_create=2020-12-04 06:42:26&order_valid_time=3600&out_trade_no=202012041142265577006791947779410&partner=2088331448074211&product_code=NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER&secondary_merchant_id=10224&secondary_merchant_industry=5812&secondary_merchant_name=Demo Merchant&service=create_forex_trade&subject=goodname&supplier=Demo Merchant&total_fee=0.01&sign_type=MD5&sign=6e126a60d1b540c40b98882cbff8733e"
"is_success": "FALSE",
"message": "ORDER_CREATED",
"extra": {
"mid": "10224",
"pay_url": "https://intlmapi.alipay.com/gateway.do?_input_charset=UTF-8¤cy=NZD¬ify_url=https://a.mypaynz.com/api/alipay_push_notify_web&order_gmt_create=2020-12-04 06:42:26&order_valid_time=3600&out_trade_no=202012041142265577006791947779410&partner=2088331448074211&product_code=NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER&secondary_merchant_id=10224&secondary_merchant_industry=5812&secondary_merchant_name=Demo Merchant&service=create_forex_trade&subject=goodname&supplier=Demo Merchant&total_fee=0.01&sign_type=MD5&sign=6e126a60d1b540c40b98882cbff8733e",
"pay_type": "IE0012",
"out_trade_no": "202012041142265577006791947779410",
"status": "0"
"message": "SIGN_ERROR"
参数 | 类型 | 是否可空 | 参数描述 |
mid | int(4) | No | Merchant ID |
total_fee | int(10) | No | Amount, Unit: Cent |
appid | string(64) | No | WeChat mini program appid |
openid | string(64) | No | user openid in your WeChat mini program |
pay_type | string(8) | No | IE0026 Pay Type |
goods | string(64) | No | Item name, must not contain any special characters |
goods_detail | string(128) | No | Item descripion, must not contain any special characters |
out_trade_no | string(64) | No | Order number, should be unique, recommend using date(YYYYmmddHHiiss) + 18 digit random number |
sign | string(32) | No | Signature, please refer to signature explaination section |
expired | int(8) | Yes | Expiration time, Unit: second. default: 3600 |
notify_url | string(512) | Yes | The URL for receiving asynchronous notifications after the payment is done. |
//coming soon
//coming soon
//coming soon
"message": "SIGN_ERROR"
参数 | 类型 | 是否可空 | 参数描述 |
mid | int(4) | No | Merchant ID |
pay_type | string(8) | No | Pay Type |
out_trade_no | string(64) | No | Order number |
version | string(4) | No | 'v1' |
sign | string(32) | No | Signature, please refer to signature explaination section |
## Check transaction 类似
curl -X "POST" "https://a.mypaynz.com/api/check_order_status" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8' \
--data-urlencode "mid=10224" \
--data-urlencode "out_trade_no=202012022020515152520003" \
--data-urlencode "pay_type=IE0012" \
--data-urlencode "version=v1" \
--data-urlencode "sign=66a70986659927076f0e4ad7842c3134"
"is_success": "TRUE",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"extra": {
"pay_type": "IE0012",
"trade_no": "",
"out_trade_no": "20201204004657072197599568617124",
"order_status": "0",
"total_fee": 1,
"rmb_fee": 0,
"goods": "goodname",
"pay_url": "https://intlmapi.alipay.com/gateway.do?_input_charset=UTF-8¤cy=NZD¬ify_url=https://a.mypaynz.com/api/alipay_push_notify_web&order_gmt_create=2020-12-04 08:46:57&order_valid_time=3600&out_trade_no=20201204004657072197599568617124&partner=2088331448074211&product_code=NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER&secondary_merchant_id=10224&secondary_merchant_industry=5812&secondary_merchant_name=Demo Merchant&service=create_forex_trade&subject=goodname&supplier=Demo Merchant&total_fee=0.01&sign_type=MD5&sign=1b57ff84c8bf92a895f53459c008ac24",
"return_url": ""
"message": "SIGN_ERROR"
"is_success": "FALSE",
"message": "COMBINE_ERROR",
"extra": []
参数 | 类型 | 是否可空 | 参数描述 |
mid | int(4) | No | Merchant ID |
pay_type | string(8) | No | Pay Type |
out_trade_no | string(64) | No | Order number |
refund_amount | int(10) | No | Refund Amount, Unit: Cent |
version | string(4) | No | 'v1' |
sign | string(32) | No | Signature, please refer to signature explaination section |
## Refund transaction 类似
curl -X "POST" "https://a.mypaynz.com/api/refund" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8' \
--data-urlencode "mid=10224" \
--data-urlencode "out_trade_no=202012022020515152520003" \
--data-urlencode "refund_amount=1" \
--data-urlencode "pay_type=IE0012" \
--data-urlencode "version=v1" \
--data-urlencode "sign=66a70986659927076f0e4ad7842c3134"
"is_success": "TRUE",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"extra": []
"message": "SIGN_ERROR"
"is_success": "FALSE",
"message": "BALANCE_ERROR",
"extra": []
支付成功后会有一个同步返回的URL,将最终用户重定向到这个返回的URL。该URL应该仅用于用户交互。不应该作为交易单确认回调。 传递给 API 的所有变量 https://a.mypaynz.com/api/online 也将被返回。
$url = $return_url
当支付成功后, IEPay 会根据创建订单的时候进行回调。商户需要在收到异步通知后接口直接返回字符串 ”SUCCESS“。否则 IEPay 将在12小时内发送多次异步通知。
$url = $notify_url."?out_trade_no=".$out_trade_no."&trade_no=".$trade_no."&trade_status=SUCCESS&pay_type=".$pay_type."&sign=".$sign;
$sign = md5($trade_no.$out_trade_no.'SUCCESS'.$api_key);