# Union Secure (IE0036)

# Description

This is only for the payments that using Union secure (IE0036)

# Request Methods

  1. Method: POST

# Signature

The signature method is the same with v3 (signature)

out_trade_no = OTN123456789
API_KEY = 123456789abcdefg

signature_string = out_trade_no=OTN123456789&pay_type=IE0011123456789abcdefg

signature = sha_256(signature_string)

# Parameter

Parameter Type Nullable Signature Required Desc
trade_no string(64) No No Order number, comes from upper source.
out_trade_no string(32) No Yes Order number, should be unique, recommend using date(YYYYmmddHHiiss) + 18 digit random number
status int(1) No No The payment status(0: unpaid, 1: paid, 2: refund before settlement, 3: paid and settled, 4: refund after settled)
status_str string(20) No No The readable status string
pay_type string(8) No Yes Support Payment Type
pay_type_str string(20) No No The readable status string
sign string(20) No No SHA256


  • Curl
curl --location '{NOTIFY_URL}' \
--form 'trade_no="{trade_no}"' \
--form 'out_trade_no="20220202001"' \
--form 'status="1"' \
--form 'status_str="Paid"' \
--form 'pay_type="IE0036"' \
--form 'pay_type_str="Union Secure"' \
--form 'sign="{SHA256_SIGN}"'

# Result we expect

Please response a json like below if you finish handle the callback request


# Callback rule

  1. We will notify to your end while the payment is completed immediatlly

  2. If we doesn't get the expected response will notify to your server after the payment 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 mins latter.

  3. If we can't get the expected response. We'll stop notify your end.

# Other Paytypes

# Description

This is for other payment callback like Alipay or Wechat pay

# Request Methods

  1. Method: GET

# Signature

The signature string is : {trade_no} + {out_trade_no} + {trade_status} + {API_KEY}

trade_no = 123456789
out_trade_no = OTN123456789
trade_status = SUCCESS
API_KEY = 123456789abcdefg

signature_string = 123456789OTN123456789SUCCESS123456789abcdefg
signature = md5(signature_string)

# Parameter

Parameter Type Nullable Signature Required Desc
trade_no string(64) No Yes Order number, comes from upper source.
out_trade_no string(32) No Yes Order number, should be unique, recommend using date(YYYYmmddHHiiss) + 18 digit random number
trade_status string(20) No Yes SUCCESS / FAILED
pay_type string(8) No No Support Payment Type
sign string(20) No No MD5


  • Curl
curl --location --request GET '{NOTIFY_URL}' \
--form 'trade_no="{trade_no}"' \
--form 'out_trade_no="20220202001"' \
--form 'trade_status="SUCCESS"' \
--form 'pay_type="{PAY_TYPE}"' \
--form 'pay_type_str="Union Secure"' \
--form 'sign="{MD5_SIGN}"'

# Result we expect

Please response a string like below if you finish handle the callback request


# Callback rule

  1. We will notify to your end while the payment is completed immediatlly

  2. If we doesn't get the expected response will notify to your server by the upper source notify rules.

Alipay : 4m、10m、10m、1h、2h、6h、15h
Wechat : 0s、15s、15s、30s、3m、30m、1h
  1. If we can't get the expected response. We'll stop notify your end.